Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Breakfast: Lower Calorie & Heart Attack Risk

Quaker Breakfast Cookies Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, 6-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)

Most people who do not eat breakfast, Due to busy in the morning to immediately go to work or school. Or maybe also because the assumption is wrong, that with no breakfast in the morning will help you lose weight. 

Conversely, do not eat breakfast can make you gain weight and even at risk to suffer from heart disease. Thus the results of a recent study conducted in the United States. 

Healthy women who skipped breakfast for two weeks would consume more food in the afternoons and evenings. As a result, cholesterol LDL ('bad') will increase and sensitivity to the hormone insulin will decrease, compared with women who ate breakfast every day. 

Kolestorol high LDL levels and impaired insulin sensitivity is a major risk factor for heart disease. 

Research conducted in the United States aims to see the effect of breakfast or breakfast on the go and burn calories all day and its relationship with insulin, cholesterol, and glucose in 10 healthy women of normal weight. 

Over the past 2 weeks, the women ate a breakfast containing a bowl of cereal with 2 percent milk at 7 and 8 am. Then at 10.30 and 11.00, they were given little food in the form of candy bars. After that they consume two additional menus and snacks each day. 

After 2 weeks passed, the women follow the new guidelines by not eating breakfast. And just eating cereal at lunch time, around 12:00 noon. Then they take two additional menus and snacks every day for two weeks. 

Results showed that women who ate breakfast, calories in 100 calories less than when they do not eat breakfast. And cholesterol 'bad' LDL, lower by the time they eat breakfast. 

In addition, breakfast make insulin response is also better, which means that the risk for diabetes also decreased. Although there was no difference in body weight when eating breakfast or not, but with increased cholesterol and insulin levels when not eating breakfast, making them at risk for heart disease later in life.


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