Monday, March 14, 2011

5 Benefits Egg Yolk for Breakfast Menu

Eggs are high in natural foods that the average cholesterol 200 mg / grain and contain Omega-3 acids, eggs are good breakfast menu. When viewed from nutritional products, eggs have many benefits that do not necessarily have other side dishes. 

Over the past is not consumed in excess or an average of 1-2 eggs per day, eggs remain a healthy choice for breakfast side dish. 

Here are 5 benefits of eggs as quoted by The Sun, Tuesday

1. Keeping hungry stomach is not fast 

For those who want to lose weight, the egg will keep the stomach feel full longer, so do not feel hungry faster. Research at the Rochester Centre of Obesity in America reveals 2 eggs boiled in the breakfast menu could cut the need for about 400 calories all day long. 
2. Increase brain power 

Medium-sized egg contains approximately 250 mg of choline, important compounds needed for fetal brain development in the womb. Pregnant women who consume 550 mg of choline each day will give birth to a baby with a stronger memory. 

3. Preventing blindness in elderly 
The part that was mentioned which contain lots of cholesterol content of egg yolk have another very important that lutein compounds. If consumed regularly, lutein can improve eye health and prevent various kinds of blindness that is triggered by the aging process. 

4. Maintaining heart health 
As long as they are not consumed in excess, cholesterol content in egg yolk will not harm the heart and blood vessels. In contrast, both the fat content that is high in omega-3 eggs can actually improve blood circulation and improve overall brain function. 

5. Providing nutrients to stay young 
For skin no wrinkles, women need protein intake 45 g / day while men need 55 g / day. Because medium-sized chicken egg contains approximately 8 g protein, then 2 eggs has met more than a third of the protein needs of women, or nearly a third of the protein requirement in men.

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